I thought the list of herbs that I am going to grow next summer would be interesting, but I realize now that it looks more like a view from someone's spice shelf. A list of herbs I am going to collect would probably be more fun, but I've not made it yet.
- basil: sweet basil, lime basil, mammoth basil, red rubin basil
- calendula: "Double Orange King" is supposed to have the best medical effects
- chamomile: common; I've not been able to find seeds of Roman chamomile
- coriander, Asian
- dill
- horehound
- lemon balm
- lemon verbena, if I'll be able to find seeds
- mint: at least peppermint and spearmint; Dalmatian mint if I can find a sapling
- oregano, Greek
- parsley
- ramsons! moles hate it and I love it
- rosemary
- sage, common and clary
- thyme, common and wild
- valerian
There has to be something I've not thought of. What is it?
As for anything else, I can hardly grow anything that ripens late, as I will probably be leaving to Japan before I can enjoy it. I've ordered seeds of leafy goosefoot and butternut squash, but as Finland is quite uncivilized when it comes to squashes and pumpkins, it's impossible to find them in stores ̶ so, I will probably have to grow some more myself. And then of course spinach, lettuce, zuccini, sunflowers and hops. And I hope I will be able to find saplings of black elder and blackberries, too.
Greek oregano sapling |